Our ghee comes from high altitude Himalayan Cows commonly know as “pahadi” cow, homemade in the villages of Himachal Pradesh over wood ovens/tandoor. These mountain cows graze on fresh forest fodder, shrubs, herbs and many medicinal plants, thus producing milk that has high nutritional value.
Himalayan cow gives 3-5 litres of milk a day. It takes 20-30 litres of milk to produce 1 kg of ghee. Butter is churned out of curd made from milk and boiled to get this delicious ghee. Ghee can be added to vegetables, curries or slathered over rotis to increase the taste and nutritional value of food.
Ghee helps strengthen body and eliminate toxins. Rich in vitamins and omega acids it acts as a great immunity booster. Ghee is also good for hair and skin.
Handmade & Homemade, Ethically Sourced, 100% Natural & Pure, Chemical & Preservative Free, Pranic Food, Superfood
Packaging: Glass bottle